Theory Test #3 - Using the Official Theory Test Questions (UK)
1 | How can driving in an Eco-safe manner help protect the environment? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Eco-safe driving is all about becoming a more environmentally-friendly driver. This will make your journeys more comfortable as well as considerably reducing your fuel bills and reducing emissions that can damage the environment. Through the legal enforcement of speed regulations By increasing the number of cars on the road Through increased fuel bills By reducing exhaust emissions |
2 | You are turning right onto a dual carriageway. What should you do before emerging? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Before emerging right onto a dual carriageway make sure that the central reserve is deep enough to protect your vehicle. If it’s not, you should treat it as one road and check that it’s clear in both directions before pulling out. Neglecting to do this could place part or all of your vehicle in the path of approaching traffic and cause a collision. Stop, apply the handbrake then select a low gear Position your vehicle well to the left of the side of the road Check that the central reservation is wide enough for your vehicle Make sure that you leave enough room for a vehicle behind |
3 | When emerging from junctions, which is most likely to obstruct your view? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Windscreen pillars can block your view, particularly at junctions. Those road users most at risk of not being seen are cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians. Never rely on just a quick glance. Windscreen pillars Steering wheel Interior mirror Windscreen wipers |
4 | When being followed by an ambulance showing a flashing blue beacon you should (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Pull over in a place where the ambulance can pass safely. Check that there are no bollards or obstructions in the road that will prevent it from doing so. Pull over as soon as safely possible to let it pass Accelerate hard to get away from it Maintain your speed and course Brake harshly and immediately stop in the road |
5 | On a road where trams operate, which of these vehicles will be most at risk from tram rails? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding The narrow wheels of a bicycle can become stuck in the tram rails, causing the cyclist to stop suddenly, wobble or even lose balance altogether. The tram lines are also slippery which could cause a cyclist to slide or fall off. Cars Cycles Buses Lorries |
6 | Because of the bend Because it’s hard to see to the right Because of approaching traffic Because of animals crossing Because of the level crossing |
7 | A flashing green beacon on a vehicle means (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding If you see a vehicle with a flashing green beacon approaching, allow it to pass when you can do so safely. Be aware that someone’s life could depend on the driver making good progress through traffic. Police on non-urgent duties Doctor on an emergency call Road safety patrol operating Gritting in progress |
8 | You should ONLY flash your headlights to other road users (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding You should only flash your headlights to warn others of your presence. Don’t use them to, greet others, show impatience or give priority to other road users. They could misunderstand your signal. To show you are giving way To show that you are about to turn To tell them that you have right of way To let them know that you are there |
9 | You are approaching an unmarked crossroads. How should you deal with this type of junction? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Be extra-cautious, especially when your view is restricted by hedges, bushes, walls and large vehicles etc. In the summer months these junctions can become more difficult to deal with when growing foliage may obscure your view. Accelerate and keep to the middle Slow down and keep to the right Accelerate looking to the left Slow down and look both ways |
10 | 'Red Routes' in major cities have been introduced to (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Traffic jams today are often caused by the volume of traffic. However, inconsiderate parking can lead to the closure of an inside lane or traffic having to wait for oncoming vehicles. Driving slowly in traffic increases fuel consumption and causes a build-up of exhaust fumes. Raise the speed limits Help the traffic flow Provide better parking Allow lorries to load more freely |
11 | It is essential that tyre pressures be checked regularly. When should this be done? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding When you check the tyre pressures do so when the tyres are cold. This will give you a more accurate reading. The heat generated from a long journey will raise the pressure inside the tyre. After any length journey After travelling at high speed When tyres are hot When tyres are cold |
12 | What is the legal minimum insurance cover you must have to drive on public roads? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding The minimum insurance required by law is third party cover. This covers others involved in a collision but not damage to your vehicle. Basic third party insurance won’t cover theft or fire damage. Check with your insurance company for advice on the best cover for you and make sure that you read the policy carefully. Third party, fire and theft Comprehensive Third party only Personal injury cover |
13 | You need to top up your battery. What level should you fill to? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Top up the battery with distilled water and make sure each cell plate is covered. The top of the battery Half-way up the battery Just below the cell plates Just above the cell plates |
14 | You are on a long, downhill slope. What should you do to help control the speed of your vehicle? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Selecting a low gear when travelling downhill will help you to control your speed. The engine will assist the brakes and help prevent your vehicle gathering speed. Select neutral Select a lower gear Grip the handbrake firmly Apply the parking brake gently |
15 | Anti-lock brakes may not work as effectively if the road surface is (mark TWO answers)Knowledge and Understanding Poor contact with the road surface could cause one or more of the tyres to lose grip on the road. This is more likely to happen when braking in poor weather conditions, when the road surface is uneven or has loose chippings. Dry Loose Wet Good Firm |
16 | The roads are icy. You should drive slowly (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and UnderstandingDriving at a slow speed in a high gear will reduce the likelihood of wheel-spin and help your vehicle maintain the best possible grip. In the highest gear possible In the lowest gear possible With the handbrake partly on With your left foot on the brake |
17 | You are driving along a wet road. How can you tell if your vehicle is aquaplaning? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding If you drive at speed in very wet conditions your steering may suddenly feel lighter than usual. This means that the tyres have lifted off the surface of the road and are skating on the surface of the water. This is known as aquaplaning. Reduce speed but don’t brake until your steering returns to a normal feel. The engine will stall The engine noise will increase The steering will feel very heavy The steering will feel very light |
18 | A driver pulls out of a side road in front of you. You have to brake hard. You should (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Where there are a number of side roads, be alert. Be especially careful if there are a lot of parked vehicles because they can make it more difficult for drivers emerging to see you. Try to be tolerant if a vehicle does emerge and you have to brake quickly. Don’t react aggressively. Ignore the error and stay calm Flash you lights to show your annoyance Sound your horn to show your annoyance Overtake as soon as possible |
19 | Following a collision someone has suffered a burn. The burn needs to be cooled. What is the shortest time it should be cooled for? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Check the casualty for shock and if possible try to cool the burn for at least ten minutes. Use a clean, cold non-toxic liquid preferably water. 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes |
20 | A casualty is not breathing normally. At what rate should chest compressions should be given? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding If a casualty is not breathing normally chest compressions may be needed to maintain circulation. Place two hands on the centre of the chest and press down about 4-5 centimetres, at the rate of 100 per minute. 50 per minute 100 per minute 200 per minute 250 per minute |
21 | You have been convicted of driving whilst unfit through drink or drugs. You will find this is likely to cause the cost of one of the following to rise considerably. Which one? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding You have shown that you are a risk to yourself and others on the road. For this reason insurance companies may charge you a higher premium. Road fund licence Insurance premiums Vehicle test certificate Driving licence |
22 | You feel drowsy when driving. You should (mark TWO answers)Knowledge and Understanding You will be putting other road users at risk if you continue to drive when drowsy. Pull over and stop in a safe place. If you are driving a long distance, think about finding some accommodation so you can get some sleep before continuing your journey. Stop and rest as soon as possible Turn the heater up to keep you warm and comfortable Make sure you have a good supply of fresh air Continue with your journey but drive more slowly Close the car windows to help you concentrate |
23 | You are taking drugs that are likely to affect you driving. What should you do? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you think that the drugs you’re taking are likely to make you feel drowsy or impair your judgement. Seek medical advice before driving Limit your driving to essential journeys Only drive if accompanied by a full licence holder Drive only for short distances |
24 | You go to a social event and need to drive a short time afterwards. What precaution should you take? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding This is always going to be the safest option. Just one drink could put you over the limit and dangerously impair your judgement and reactions. Avoid drinking alcohol on an empty stomach Drink plenty of coffee after drinking alcohol Avoid drinking alcohol completely Drink plenty of milk before drinking alcohol |
25 | the road? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Be aware that older people might take a long time to cross the road. They might also be hard of hearing and not hear you approaching. Don’t hurry older people across the road by getting too close to them or revving your engine. Wave them across so they know that you have seen them Be patient and allow them to cross in their own time Rev the engine to let them know that you are waiting Tap the horn in case they are hard of hearing |
26 | How should you react to drivers who appear to be inexperienced? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Learners might not have confidence when they first start to drive. Allow them plenty of room and don’t react adversely to their hesitation. We all learn from experience, but new drivers will have had less practice in dealing with all the situations that might occur. Sound your horn and warn them of your presence Be patient and prepare for them to react more slowly Flash your headlights to indicate that it is safe for them to proceed Overtake them as soon as possible |
27 | On the window of a car taking children to school At the side of the road At playground areas On the rear of a school bus or coach |
28 | You are on a country road. What should you expect to see coming towards you on YOUR side of the road? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding On a quiet country road always be aware that there may be a hazard just around the next bend, such as a slow-moving vehicle or pedestrians. Pedestrians are advised to walk on the right-hand side of the road if there is no pavement, so they may be walking towards you on your side of the road. Motorcyclists Bicycles Pedestrians Horse riders |
29 | A horse rider is in the left-hand lane approaching a roundabout. You should expect the rider to (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Horses and their riders will move more slowly than other road users. They might not have time to cut across heavy traffic to take up positions in the offside lane. For this reason a horse and rider may approach a roundabout in the left-hand lane, even though they’re turning right. Go in any direction Turn right Turn left Go ahead |
30 | You are waiting to emerge from a minor road. A large vehicle is approaching from the right. You have time to turn, but you should wait. Why? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Large vehicles can hide other vehicles that are overtaking, especially motorcycles which may be filtering past queuing traffic. You need to be aware of the possibility of hidden vehicles and not assume that it is safe to emerge. The large vehicle can easily hide an overtaking vehicle The large vehicle can turn suddenly The large vehicle is difficult to steer in a straight line The large vehicle can easily hide vehicles from the left |
31 | You keep well back while waiting to overtake a large vehicle. A car fills the gap. You should. (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding It’s very frustrating when your separation distance is shortened by another vehicle. React positively, stay calm and drop further back. Sound your horn Drop further back Flash your headlights Start to overtake |
32 | You are driving in heavy traffic on a wet road. Spray makes it difficult to be seen. You should use your (mark TWO answers)Knowledge and Understanding You must ensure that you can be seen by others on the road. Use your dipped headlights during the day if the visibility is bad. If you use your rear fog lights, don’t forget to turn them off when the visibility improves. Full beam headlights Rear fog lights if visibility is less than 100 metres (328 feet) Rear fog lights is visibility is more than 100 metres (328 feet) Dipped headlights Side lights only |
33 | Knowledge and Understanding The two right lanes are open The two left lanes are open Traffic in the left lanes should stop Traffic in the right lanes should stop |
34 | You are travelling in heavy rain. Your overall stopping distance is likely to be (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding As well as visibility being reduced, the road will be extremely wet. This will reduce the grip the tyres have on the road and increase the distance it takes to stop. Double your separation distance. Doubled Halved Up to ten times greater No different |
35 | Traffic calming measures are used to (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Traffic calming measures are used to make the roads safer for vulnerable road users, such as cyclists, pedestrians and children. These can be designed as chicanes, road humps or other obstacles that encourage drivers and riders to slow down. Stop road rage Help overtaking Slow traffic down Help parking |
36 | Whilst driving, the fog clears and you can see more clearly. You must remember to (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Bright rear fog lights might be mistaken for brake lights and could be misleading for the traffic behind. Switch off the fog lights Reduce your speed Switch off the demister Close any open windows |
37 | To correct a rear-wheel skid you should (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Prevention is better than cure, so it’s important that you take every precaution to avoid a skid from starting. If you feel the rear wheels of your vehicle beginning to skid, try to steer in the same direction to recover control. Don’t brake suddenly – this will only make the situation worse. Not steer at all Steer away from it Steer into it Apply your handbrake |
38 | Using rear fog lights in clear daylight will (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Rear fog lights shine brighter than normal rear lights so that they show up in reduced visibility. When the weather is clear they could dazzle the driver behind, so switch them off. Be useful when towing a trailer Give extra protection Dazzle other drivers Make following drivers keep back |
39 | You are allowed to stop on a motorway when you (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding You MUST stop if there are red lights flashing above every lane on the motorway. However, if any of the other lanes do not show flashing red lights or red cross you may move into that lane and continue if it is safe to do so. Need to walk and get some fresh air Wish to pick up hitchhikers Are told to do so by flashing red lights Need to use a mobile telephone |
40 | You are travelling along the left-hand lane of a three-lane motorway. Traffic is joining from a slip road. You should (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding You should move to another lane if it is safe to do so. This can greatly assist the flow of traffic joining the motorway, especially at peak times. Race the other vehicles Move to another lane Maintain a steady speed Switch on your hazard lights |
41 | A basic rule when on motorways is (mark ONE answer) Knowledge and Understanding You should normally travel in the left-hand lane unless you are overtaking a slower moving vehicle. When you are past that vehicle move back into the left-hand lane as soon as it’s safe to do so. Don’t cut across in front of the vehicle that you’re overtaking. Use the lane that has least traffic Keep to the left hand-lane unless overtaking Overtake on the side that is clearest Try to keep above 50 mph to prevent congestion |
42 | In which TWO places should you NOT park? (mark TWO answers)Knowledge and Understanding It may be tempting to park where you shouldn’t while you run a quick errand. Careless parking is a selfish act and could endanger other road users. Near a school entrance Near a police station In a side road At a bus stop In a one-way street |
43 | You are travelling on a well-lit road at night in a built up area. By using dipped headlights you will be able to (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding You may be difficult to see when you’re travelling at night, even on a well lit road. If you use dipped headlights rather than sidelights other road users will see you more easily. See further along the road Go at a much faster speed Switch to main beam quickly Be easily seen by others |
44 | At a crossroads there are no signs or road markings. Two vehicles approach. Which has priority?Knowledge and Understanding At a crossroads where there are no ‘give way’ signs or road markings be very careful. No vehicle has priority, even if the sizes of the roads are different. Neither of the vehicles The vehicle travelling the fastest Oncoming vehicles turning right Vehicles approaching from the right |
45 | You may remove your seat belt when carrying out a manoeuvre that involves (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Don’t forget to put your seat belt back on when you’ve finished reversing. Reversing A hill start An emergency stop Driving slowly |
46 | You must not reverse (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding You may decide to turn your vehicle around by reversing into an opening or side road. When you reverse, always look behind and all around and watch for pedestrians. Don’t reverse from a side road into a main road. You MUST NOT reverse further than is necessary. For longer than necessary For more than a car's length Into a side road In built-up areas |
47 | When may you reverse from a side-road into a main road? (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding Don’t reverse into a main road from a side road. The main road is likely to be busy and the traffic on it moving quickly. Cut down the risks by reversing into a quiet side road. Only if both roads are clear of traffic Not at any time At any time Only if the main road is clear of traffic |
48 | You MUST obey signs giving orders. These signs are mostly in (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding There are three basic types of traffic sign, those that, warn, inform or give orders. Generally, triangular signs warn, rectangular ones give information or directions, and circular signs usually give orders. An exception is the eight-sided ‘STOP’ sign. Green rectangles Red Triangles Blue rectangles Red circles |
49 | A police officer asks to see your documents. You do not have them with you. You may be asked to take them to the police station with (mark ONE answer)Knowledge and Understanding You don’t have to carry the documents for your vehicle around with you. If a police officer asks to see them and you don’t have them with you, you may be asked to produce them at a police station within seven days. 5 days 7 days 14 days 21 days |
50 | A fault in the braking system The engine oil is low A rear light has failed Your seat belt is not fastened |
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