To help learn UK road signs take the test below. Identify the 35 pictures of UK road signs. See our driving theory test main page for full explanation of the driving theory test. For all the UK Road signs, pictures& definitions. We have four Theory Tests that use the Official DSA Test Questions plus three more free mock theory tests and a stopping distances and speed limit test.
UK Road Signs Theory Test
You MUST obey signs giving orders. These signs are mostly in
Mark one answer Green Rectangles Red triangles Blue rectangles Red circles
What does this sign mean? No motorcycles allowed Motorcyclists dismount Parking place for solo motorcyclists Motorcylce route ahead
What does this sign mean? Motorway slip road closed End of motorway Motorway begins No hard shoulder on motorway ahead
Which of these signs means no motor vehicles? A B C D
What is the meaning of this sign? Ahead only One-way street Cycles only No stopping
What does this sign mean? No stopping Bend in the road You must turn back No u-turns
Which of these signs means turn left ahead? A B C D
You have just driven past this sign. You should be aware that
Mark one answer. You are on a single track road You cannot stop on this road The exit ahead is closed All traffic is going one way
What does this sign mean? No vehicles over width specified No vehicles over height specified No heavy vehicles Road narrows to width specified
What does this sign mean? Vehicles carrying explosives No vehicles carrying explosives Firework display in progress Vehicle fire
What does this sign mean? With-flow bus and cycle lane No waiting for buses and cycles No buses and cycles allowed Contraflow bus and cycle lane
Which of these signs means keep left? A B C D
What does this sign mean? No parking in cycle lane Cycle lane closed Cycles only No cycles
What does this sign mean? No path Zebra crossing Pedestrian zone Pedestrians in the road
Which sign means that pedestrians may be walking along the road? A B C D
What does this sign mean? No left turn Slip road closed Traffic emerging from left T-junction
What does this sign mean? Water across road Bridge over the road Uneven road surface Road ahead closed
What does this sign mean? Two-way traffic on a one lane road One way traffic only Two-way traffic ahead Both lanes closed
What does this sign mean? Crossroads T-junction Traffic emerging form left and right Stop and giveway
Which sign meas two-way traffic crossing a one-way road. A B C D
What does this sign mean? Tunnel ahead Folk in the road Dual carriageway ends No U-turns
Which of these signs means level crossing without a gate or barrier? A B C D
Which of these signs means level crossing with gate or barrier? A B C D
What does this sign mean? Staggered juntion with no priority T-junction with priority over vehicles turning from the right Staggered juntion with priority form traffic turning left T-junction with priority over vehicles turning from the left
What does this sign mean? Traffic emerging form left and right No U-turns Staggered junction level crossing ahead
What does this sign mean? Right-hand lane closed for turning right Right-hand lane for buses only The right-hand lane is closed Queues likely in right-hand lane
What is the meaning of this sign? Temporary one-way street Contraflow system Leave at next exit Change to right-hand lane
Which of these signs means the national speed limit applies? A B C D
What does this sign mean? Buses only No buses Parking fo coaches and buses only Bus lane
Whic of these signs means 'no entry'? A B C D
When may you cross a double solid white line in the middle of the road?
Mark one answer. To pass a road maintenance vehicle travelling at 10mph or less To pass traffic that is queuing back at a junction To pass a vehicle towing a caravan To pass a car signalling to turn left ahead
What does this centre road marking mean?
Mark one answer No parking allowed No overtaking allowed You are approaching a hazard No stopping allowed
Which one of these signs means 'no stopping'? A B C D
This marking appears on the road just before
Mark one answer 'Give way' sign 'No entry' sign 'Stop' sign 'One-way street' sign
What is the reason for yellow criss-cross lines painted on to a road surface To mark out an area for buses only To prevent queuing traffic from blocking a junction To mark the entrance lane to a car park To allow cyclists a clear right of way
some questions not given options